Kanyo Memorial Team Introductions 2023: Get to know SILKEBORG!

This year marks the 10th anniversary of five members of the founders of EBA Sports traveling to Denmark for the first time in their lives. The professional trip, which began as a “Christmas vacation,” proved to be a truly shocking success: the experiences both on and off the field significantly reshaped the work that is recognized in Hungary and also valued by us. The Julecup held in Silkeborg in 2013 and the resulting further collaboration with the Nordic teams had a profound impact on the professional development and current work of EBA Sports’ coaches and sports executives.

With great delight, we hereby announce that Bjerringbro-Silkeborg is returning once again, aiming to take the cup with them after last year’s silver medal.

Coach Sebastian Enevoldsen stated, “We arrive in Tata again with immense joy. The experience from last year’s competition was wonderful, and it is a great honor to return to our excellent hosts. In the tournament, we will face strong matches against teams playing a different kind of handball than what we are used to from the Nordic teams. However, it is not just the matches; the shared experiences from traveling and hospitality also contribute significantly, helping us to learn a lot about ourselves and others, and to become a better team. Nine out of seventeen members of our squad are also part of the Danish national team’s preparatory program. This summer, we won the Generation Handball tournament in Viborg, so we come to Tata in a victorious state of mind.”

In addition to Sebastian, the delegation includes European champion and Champions League winner, hall of famer Michael V. Knudsen, who, following last year’s reports, is curious to experience the Kanyó Memorial event with his own eyes.